The Honourable Scott Moe
Premier of Saskatchewan

Greetings from
The Honourable Donna Harpauer
Deputy Premier of Saskatchewan,
Minister of Finance, and
MLA for Humboldt-Watrous

His Worship John Gunderson
Mayor of Watrous

Greetings from Michelle Hunter
President of the Board, SaskAbilities

Greetings from Christine Epp
Camp Easter Seal Manager

About Camp Easter Seal

Situated along the shore of Little Manitou Lake in the Resort Village of Manitou Beach is Camp Easter Seal, Saskatchewan’s only fully accessible camp. Since its inception in 1954, tens of thousands of children and adults experiencing disability have enjoyed the magic of Camp Easter Seal. Each summer the unique and beautiful facility becomes home to approximately 600 campers and 65 staff members. The sense of belonging that each camper experiences is empowering and life changing.


Operating as a program of SaskAbilities and funded in part by Easter Seals™ Saskatchewan*, each summer Camp Easter Seal offers weekly camps, for campers ages 6 to 65 plus.  Activities are adapted and allow campers to participate in the fun and enjoyment of a camp experience, including:

  • Aquatics, including boating, tubing, swimming, waterskiing
  • Sports activities
  • Rustic adventures and cook-outs
  • Arts and crafts
  • Bus rides and tours
  • Talent shows and concerts
  • Campfires
  • Banquets and socials



The Camp Easter Seal site includes many buildings – some of them original, some of them newer – all of them connected by accessible pathways.  Facilities at Camp include:

  • Dining Hall
  • Chalet
  • 14 cabins with heat, air conditioning, showers and washrooms
  • Heated indoor swimming pool
  • Recreation centre
  • Accessible playground
  • Arts and crafts centre
  • Newly added accessible treehouse
  • Outdoor amphitheatre
  • Rustics adventures area


In addition to recreation and leisure, campers achieve many personal outcomes as a result of their camping experience, including:

  • Increasing independence
  • Improving communication and social skills
  • Building confidence and self-esteem
  • Developing relationships and forming life-long friendships
  • Living and enjoying life to its fullest


Parents and caregivers can expect the highest standard of care for campers, including full-time medical staff on-site and trained camp staff who can meet the complex and diverse support needs of campers.

* SaskAbilities is a member of Easter Seals™ Canada and owns the rights to Easter Seals™ Saskatchewan. The national organization is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, self-esteem, and self-determination of individuals with disabilities in Canada.

In the beginning…

In 1930-31, the Government of Saskatchewan constructed the fieldstone chalet and dining hall that remain today as Camp Easter Seal’s primary buildings. The construction was part of a make-work project during the early years of the Great Depression, employing 400 men at $20 a month. The site became Little Manitou Provincial Park, officially opening in June of 1931 and was the province’s first of six provincial parks to open that year.

Until the 1940’s. Little Manitou Provincial Park was the most popular of all the provincial parks. In 1945, a commission was appointed to study the park facilities. Ten years later, the facility was leased to SaskAbilities to establish Camp Easter Seal.

Our Rich History

1954  Camp Easter Seal program begins
1956  Camp Easter Seal site established at Manitou Beach
1956  First facility lease with Government of Saskatchewan
1957  First swimming pool constructed
1959  Campers meet Queen Elizabeth II
1964  New cabins built
1964  First phone system installed
1968  New cabins built
1969  Health Centre opens
1970  Arts and Crafts building opens
1972  Major renovations
1974  Level IV camp begins
1979  First campers under age 10 attend
1983  Recreation centre built
1985  Water treatment plant and well constructed
1990’s  New cabins built

1991  New ramp built for Chalet
1994  New aquatic centre built
1999  Premier of Saskatchewan signs 21-year lease
2002  Accessibility study and Access for All
2004  50th anniversary celebration
2006  Arrival area opens
2010  Accessibility playground built
2011  Deck constructed for dining hall
2012  Camp Easter Seal receives Champion of Children award
2016  Government of Saskatchewan completes permanent berm
2018  SaskAbilities undertakes a facilities review
2019  Rennovations to the facilities begin
2020  Camp Connected Virtual program introduced
2021  Rennovations of the aquatic centre, chalet and dining hall completed

Take a tour of Camp!

Thousands of individuals experiencing disability as well as thousands of supporting community members have attended Camp Easter Seal over the years. The experiences that are created hold considerable strength because they are shared together. Counsellors, campers, and volunteers all impact each other and carry on those memories throughout their lives.

Tour of Camp Easter Seal

In the last moments of the final evening, you can hear all their heartfelt sentiments come together through a traditionally shared Camp Easter Seal song:

Friends, friends, friends we’ll always be,
Whether in fair or dark stormy weather.
Camp Easter Seal will keep us together.
Old friends and new – old and new
We will always be true –
Oh so so true
Love will prevail us
‘Til death separates us
We are friends, friends, friends.

Make a Splash!

In 1994 we were excited to launch a new Aquatics program which included the building of a fully accessible pool. We are forever grateful for the support of the Draggins Rod & Custom Car Club, New Careers Corporation, Kinsmen Clubs of: Kindersley, Martensville, Regina Buffalo City, Regina Wheat City, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Pow City, Watrous, Yorkton, and the Kinsmen Foundation. Also, a special mention to Edwards and Edwards Architects for the construction. The pool would not have been possible without all the support of so many.

Now, in 2021 we have completed major renovations with the help of the Draggins Rod & Custom Car Club and are very excited to share with you the Grand Reopening of the Aquatic Centre with this amazing group.



Grand Reopening of the Aquatic Centre

Climb to new heights!

The Grand Opening of the Treehouse

Through the generosity of the Betty Irwin Estate and the dream of Kaela Ann Piwarski, Camp Easter Seal is deeply honoured to share with you the Grand Opening of our newest landmark, The Treehouse.


What makes Camp so special to so many individuals? We have some special guests that would like to share their stories and hope that the magic of Camp Easter Seal reaches you too!

Camp Easter Seal Counsellors Reminiscing


Why is Camp Easter Seal Important?

Hayden Linsley – Support Worker

Brenda Bansescu, Parent of a Camper


Sydney Risler, Camper


Alvin Law, Former Camper


Tamara, a dedicated participant of Yorkton’s Snowarama


Jamie Ellis, Camper


Camper Families


Gary Busch, Century 21 Fusion


Charmaine Gamble, Camper


Cody Stack, Camper


Jenita Dickie, Camper


Lynn Schmidt, a dedicated participant of Yorkton’s Snowarama


Thank you for joining us for Camp Day 2021. We hope you enjoyed your experience and tour today and hope to see you again next year.

Are you interested in a tour of camp in-person or attending our camp day in 2022?
We would be happy to arrange this!
contact us

Camp is what it is today because of the generous support of others. Please consider making a donation today.

Donate Now

Camp Day Slideshow

Get Involved

Volunteering Opportunities

Learn more about volunteer opportunities at camp.

Ways to Give

Learn more about ways to give to SaskAbilities and Camp Easter Seal program.

Camp Wish List

Donations of materials from people like you make Camp Easter Seal possible.

Special Events

Learn more about ways to participate in special events and programs.